Milana Fairy Doll, a princess from the Kingdom of Love, opens the door to the magical world, where toys come to life, the smart Vitamin Cat gives valuable advice, and true friendship works wonders.  The doll is invited to a birthday party for a friend, Malinka Girlie from the Fairy Forest. But the friends of the birthday girl from the Magic Academy do not come to the holiday, which makes her sad and can turn into a sad jam! The princess will have to save her beloved friend and find her missing friends. She goes on the fascinating adventure in which she meets the multi-colored Dzen tiger, the kind Owl Hug, the Candy Fairy and the playful spirit of the forest Leshik Lelik.

This musical tale-action for dolls, children and adult children will teach readers how to become real fairy-tale wizards, give hearts to loved ones and, together with the doll, fill the world with Love every day.

Author:  Milana Fairy Doll

Doll-language translator: Milana Gorenstein

Editor: Natalia Rosin


Milana Fairy Doll is a princess who lives in the Fairy Terem. She writes books, music, poetry and songs. The magic doll is a permanent model and fashion designer in the “Cassiopeia 2111” space fashion house of the Kingdom of Love, and collaborates with fashion houses around the world. Since 2021, she has been a member of the ROSHBARI social network and the TART fundraising campaign of the Planet Health Organization.


“Heart Without Makeup” is not just a book, but a musical fairy tale-action that will help fill the world with Love. Create your own heart-shaped card for family and friends, send me her photo or video and take part in the international action. Let's fill the world with Love!

Milana Fairy Doll

start 21.10.2021